News about
RettungsNetz 5G
Here you will find information and events
Here you will find information and events
Innovative stroke care in Mannheim [GERMAN only]
PublishedDas Projekt RettungsNetz-5G soll die akute medizinische Notfallversorgung mittels 5G-Technologie verbessern. Konkret geht es darum, Diagnostik und erste Therapieschritte an den Einsatzort zu bringen, unter anderem bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit Schlaganfall.
PublishedNew ambulance is a small stroke center on wheels [GERMAN only]
PublishedRadio Regenbogen reports on the project [GERMAN only]
PublishedStroke: Targeted treatment in the ambulance [GERMAN only]
PublishedRNF reports on the final event of the project [GERMAN only]
PublishedMannheim: “Mobile stroke unit” emergency vehicle goes into operation [GERMAN only]
PublishedPresentation of the innovation project and the mobile stroke unit [GERMAN only]
Published[5] Rink JS, Szabo K, Hoyer C, Saver JL, Nour M, Audebert HJ, Kunz WG, Froelich MF, Heinzl A, Tschalzev A, Hoffmann J, Schoenberg SO & Tollens F (2024)
Published[4] Szabo K, Nagel T, Grund A, Kravatzky A, Sandikci V, Radder M, Rink JS & Hoyer C (2024)
PublishedAction day against strokes: 5G technology and mobile CTs to help in the event of a stroke [GERMAN only]
Published[3] Rink JS, Tollens F, Tschalzev A, Bartelt C, Heinzl A, Hoffmann J, Schoenberg SO, Marzina A, Sandikci V, Wiegand C, Hoyer C & Szabo K (2024)
PublishedProject film "Save lives with 5G"
PublishedWithin the supplement "City of the future"
PublishedPresentation of the project goals as a practical example of the Federal Gigabit Bureau [GERMAN only]
PublishedProject presentation and professional exchange on September 28-29, 2023.
Published"Ambulance with 5G technology to be launched this year" [GERMAN only]
PublishedRhine-Neckar is testing 5G-based emergency care
Published[2] Zercher D, Jussupow E & Heinzl A (2023)
PublishedOn June 20/21, 2023, the project RettungsNetz-5G was invited to the 5G Reallabor Braunschweig.
PublishedFind out more about the network and the cooperation between the individual project partners.
PublishedPresentation of the projects funded as part of the 5G innovation competition on digital.Länd
Published[1] Rink JS, Froelich MF, Nour M, Saver JF, Szabo K, Hoyer, C, Fassbender KC, Schoenberg SO & Tollens F (2022)
PublishedThis year, the WorldStrokeCampaign is placing special emphasis on recognizing the signs of stroke and raising the alarm in a timely manner. The campaign is prepared annually on this date by the World Stroke Organization.